Monday, November 14, 2011

Privacy invasion and father issues!

Okay, so I'm 16 and I live with my parents. My parents have programs to check my computer, they check my camera, check my cell phone, credit card, and my phone calls so they can know everything about me. They totally invade my privacy and I don't like it. They go into my room and I've seen my father touch my toys that I keep in a box in my closet. I do not understand why he does those things. I remember telling my mother that he looked at me in weird ways, and she talked to him and he was yelling at me saying how bad I was for even thinking that. Well, I have to wear a lot of clothes and robes and dress down near him because I don't want him to look at me in those ways and I don't even want my feet exposed to this guy cause who knows what weird stuff he'd think about them next. I don't even want him to look at me in the face he disgusts me so much. He has a really bad and weird obsession that I consider unhealthy with s/es of humans and animals alike. He talks about them almost all of the time, makes jokes about them, and I see him look at every single person and animal's rear end that he possibly can, even my own and my other sisters and brothers. Recently when they left, I looked under their bed and I saw a box with a shop's name written on it. I opened it up and there were a bunch of toys in there designed for men and prostate stimulation and I got pretty disturbed. I mean, is he so obsessed with them that he has to bring this into the bedroom of theirs? That's so gross! There was also shaped plugs and lubricant. How is this normal? He always makes fun of gay men and says they're stupid and '*******' yet he likes it up the himself? He is so hypocritical. Every time I see him, he has an or is masturbating under the covers downstairs on the sofa. I don't even like being near this guy.. Any advice? I'm sorry if it wasn't very clear.

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