Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What do my dreams (sleep wise) mean in context with my personal life?

The past couple days I have had some odd dreams. One night I dreamed that I was at a sort of hot springs place. As I walked through the entrance I saw this boy that I had liked earlier this year and started to walk past him. But instead he came up to me and hugged and kissed me. The other dream I was at a lagoon and I peered through the window of the hotel room and saw the same boy kayaking in shark infested water. But it wasn't just him I saw, I saw a bunch of my friends. My dad and I were traveling along the west coast and a tsunami was predicted to hit so my dad and I stayed at a hotel that was off a lagoon (which was where I saw all my friends kayaking). When we arrived my dad took me down to the lagoon and told me were going to go kayaking (at the time I didn't know we were in shark infested water). He had a big, inflatable, sturdy kayak and mine was made out of rope. Yes, my kayak was made out of blue rope, so I was sitting in the water, yet managing to stay afloat. As we started paddling I discovered that the farther we paddled, the more sharks there were. I also learned the the kayak trip was a 30 mile journey. So before we got too far off, I veered off to a wall and got out of the kayak and walked back to the hotel. My dad was mad (which is the strange part because he doesn't get mad easily) and ranted and raved about how he paid for this kayak journey in advance. When we got to the room, he stormed off somewhere and that was where I was peering out the window and saw that boy and many of my friends kayaking. I felt lame not being out in the water because it looked like they were having so much fun. I went back down to the lagoon and there was a line forming to get a kayak so I waited in line. While in line I was nearby three of my friends. The one completely ignored me, but I talked to the other two. Daniel (one of my friends) informed me that the sharks get close to the kayak and sometimes tip it over, so of course I panicked and began asking him many worrysome questions. My other friend Lindsey became frustrated and actaully told me she was tired of how concerned I was about the sharks and told me they were just sharks (which is the other strange part about my dream because she would be the one freaking out about sharks). As the line progressed closer to the entrance of the water I grew more and more anxious about the sharks. The last thing that happened before I awoke from one of my most bizarre dreams was I retreived my kayak, placed it in the water, and got in. Then I woke up. I know this is very long but I really wanted some input on what this dream could mean. Thank you!

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