Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How painful is recovery from a c-section with hysterectomy and will I be able to care for my 3 kids on my own?

Our 3rd baby is due early this spring and I just found that I'll have to have the baby via c-section and will also have to have a hysterectomy. My husband will unfortunately be deployed so I'll have to care for my newborn, my 2 year old and my 4 year old by myself (we have NO family, and won't really no anyone on base as we're going to be PCSing (relocating) to a new base the beginning of February, and there's no way to afford a nanny or live in babysitter or doula on military pay ($1,600 a month) so I won't have any help). How much pain is ociated with the c-section and a hysterectomy on top of it and how practicle would it be to care for my three children (ages 4,2 and newborn) on my own immediately afterwards? How can you make recovery easier on yourself? Any insight and tips would be great! Thanks! :)

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