Monday, November 7, 2011

Sociology Project- Dependent and Independent Variables?

For independent you could have the race of the person and the dependent variables could be their positioning in the ad, the attitude the ad tries to portray (aggressive, submissive, innocence, etc.), the type of clothing the model wears, what the ad is selling. This is uming your trying to show the differences in the ways certain races are portrayed, For example you might have an Asian woman who has a submissive position in the ad wearing a geisha robe and make-up (this is an ad I have actually seen) and I believe she was selling perfume. In this case your independent variable would be her race of Asian (since race is never dependent on anything, just because your family is middle cl doesn't determine that you will be, for instance, Caucasian) and the dependent variables would be the stance, the product, the props/clothing. Hope this helps.

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