Friday, November 11, 2011

Would this be a good way to get good Christmas present or should I let it go?

I really want a good pair of binoculars. Burris Binoculars. I have an unusual psychological condition. I enjoy being d by needles. When a needle is stuck in my body, my brain releases a lot of endorphins to deal with it. This is not this unusual. I found out I get a "high" out of it. I eventually became a Red Cross Gallon member (8 units of blood). But you can only give blood every 56 days. You can give apheresis every two weeks. When you give blood, they take it out in like 20 minutes or 30 minutes. When you give apheresis, they put needles in both arms, pump the blood out, centrifuge it, and then pump it back in. It takes about three hours. Usually they take plasma, white blood cells or platelets. You have apheresis junkies who get high on it, and go every two weeks to donate. I just like the feeling of being d. Anyway, I am a practicing Roman Catholic. But I have some conflict with the Church over my lifestyle. Through the Church gvine, I found there was a Priest who would give confession, absolution and penance to ANY Catholic so LONG as the penance they chose was to give blood or apheresis. Just what I wanted to hear. So I get absolution for my lifestyle, and the only penance I have to do, is something I get a psychological "high" out of doing anyway. Anyway, the priest was giving me my absolution, and he mentioned that this kid in his parish had cancer, and she was the same blood type as me---A Positive. And would I go in, and see if my blood type was compatible with hers? She had leukemia and needed platelets. We were compatible. I gave her the platelets, and she got better. Small problem. She needs A LOT of platelets. And apparently, she needs a CERTAIN type of blood platelets within the A positive type. So I have gotten called three times after that, asking for platelets. I don't mind. I give anyway. One time it was sort of short notice and I parked in the hospital lot where (unbeknown to me) the family was in a minivan. I performed a quick physical action with another man when he dropped me off, which left no doubt as to my orientation and lifestyle. Well, the father is a fireman, and the mom is a nurse. And they are very, very conservative. And I make them, really, really uncomfortable. I think they would like to invite me to dinner, or someone like that, but I make their skin crawl. The father in particular, I think would like to thank me, but he just sort of grunts and says "Thanks a lot." while avoiding eye contact. I disgust him. Also I think he has issues because TECHNICALLY a certain group of people isn't supposed to give blood. I do anyway. The Red Cross has begged the Congress to get rid of that law. So I am sort of enjoying the fact that this bigot is being forced, for the sake of his daughter, to accept help from someone that he really despises. And I think he and his wife are feeling guilty that they just quickly shake hands and thank me and walk away. And this particular hospital really is a BIT of a drive, so they realize they are imposing on me, but they hate my lifestyle so much they can't bring themselves to be nice. The Mom, I notice, hugs everyone, the nurses, the doctors, etc. And thanks them profusely for helped her daughter. Then she gets all stiff and rigid near me and shakes my hand. I think that they feel guilty. So the last time I was there, after I made my three hour donation, I was getting up and the Dad sort of walked over and looked at the wall, and said, "I-want-you-to-know-we-are-really-gratef… He then turned and walked away. I told him to his back "Thanks, I'll think about it." Did he really mean it? Or was that just a polite nothing? Should I tell him that I would like a pair of Burris Binoculars? The cheapest ones are $169, one sale on the internet. Firemen and nurses made good money, right? Every time I have given platelets, it's a 40-45 minute ride one way, to the City of Duarte, and 2-3 hours in the chair. And they can't get anyone else to donate the platelets they need. At least not right away, any time on call they need it. Should I ask the guy to buy me a pair of Burris Binoculars? Or would that be low cl? Should I just ask for a pair of binoculars, and let the guy decide if he just wants to buy me a cheap pair of Chinese binoculars from Wal-Mart for $20? Or is it low cl to ask for anything at all? I figure I am scoring no points with this family anyway. I know they are talking trash about me, because both the girl's older brother and younger brother avoid me. The older brother just brushes by me with contempt. The younger brother looks at me scared and keeps his distance. So maybe I shouldn't ask for anything at all? . I really want a pair of Burris Binoculars. Should I ask? Or is their bank being drained by their daughter's illness, and I really shouldn't ask?

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