Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Which of these codec packs and media players should I get rid of?

I have XP codec pack 2.4.2 and windows essentials codec pack installed. Aside from this I also have VLC, real player, wmp, powerdvd, and total video player on my laptop. I want to get rid of those I don't need but I don't know where to start.

How do I defrost mince in a microwave oven?

Put it in the sink w/ likewarm water. In about 15 minutes - drain it and re-add more water until it's thawed. The microwave will cook it and YES it is fine to eat.

What is wrong with me? Am i pregnant?

Today makes 5 days since I missed my period. Since Saturday I have been experiencing lower abdominal pain mostly on the right side. I am very stressed out and petrified about this , so I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. Any help or suggestion?

Is Harry Potter still a parseltongue at the end of the series?

Once Harry has destroyed the horcrux within himself, does he still retain the power to speak to snakes if it was the connection to Voldemort that gave him that power?

Chinese Netizens: How have you adjusted your online behavior without free VPN services like hotspotsheild?

If you could only hear what you say from out here. We are glad to control any information you have access to, duh. We do not want you to be educated or informed, duh. What kind of lunacy is this? Do they give you medicine to make you think like this?

What are your opinions of this extract?

I think it's a amazing. It has a big mythic tang to it, and a little bit of an apocalyptic feel. It kind of reminds me of Neil Gaiman's writing, as well.

Question about FBB plus 08.?

In baseball plus 08, We are starting 3 pitchers and one reliever, with the weekly roster changes. Is it possible to actually start more than 3 pitchers a week, because your setting up your lineups per day for the upcoming week. So Monday - Santana Tues- Smoltz Wed- Bonderman, then on thursday will yahoo allow me to start another pitcher from my bench?

What do my dreams (sleep wise) mean in context with my personal life?

The past couple days I have had some odd dreams. One night I dreamed that I was at a sort of hot springs place. As I walked through the entrance I saw this boy that I had liked earlier this year and started to walk past him. But instead he came up to me and hugged and kissed me. The other dream I was at a lagoon and I peered through the window of the hotel room and saw the same boy kayaking in shark infested water. But it wasn't just him I saw, I saw a bunch of my friends. My dad and I were traveling along the west coast and a tsunami was predicted to hit so my dad and I stayed at a hotel that was off a lagoon (which was where I saw all my friends kayaking). When we arrived my dad took me down to the lagoon and told me were going to go kayaking (at the time I didn't know we were in shark infested water). He had a big, inflatable, sturdy kayak and mine was made out of rope. Yes, my kayak was made out of blue rope, so I was sitting in the water, yet managing to stay afloat. As we started paddling I discovered that the farther we paddled, the more sharks there were. I also learned the the kayak trip was a 30 mile journey. So before we got too far off, I veered off to a wall and got out of the kayak and walked back to the hotel. My dad was mad (which is the strange part because he doesn't get mad easily) and ranted and raved about how he paid for this kayak journey in advance. When we got to the room, he stormed off somewhere and that was where I was peering out the window and saw that boy and many of my friends kayaking. I felt lame not being out in the water because it looked like they were having so much fun. I went back down to the lagoon and there was a line forming to get a kayak so I waited in line. While in line I was nearby three of my friends. The one completely ignored me, but I talked to the other two. Daniel (one of my friends) informed me that the sharks get close to the kayak and sometimes tip it over, so of course I panicked and began asking him many worrysome questions. My other friend Lindsey became frustrated and actaully told me she was tired of how concerned I was about the sharks and told me they were just sharks (which is the other strange part about my dream because she would be the one freaking out about sharks). As the line progressed closer to the entrance of the water I grew more and more anxious about the sharks. The last thing that happened before I awoke from one of my most bizarre dreams was I retreived my kayak, placed it in the water, and got in. Then I woke up. I know this is very long but I really wanted some input on what this dream could mean. Thank you!


i pray they will one day find madeleine, and the parents are reunited with her again, i feel so sad for this family and think about them everyday ,when i go to the shop in the mornings i hope to god the front headlines is they have found her, i hope everyday

How do you keep celery crisp?

Is there a certain way to store it so that it will be crispy tomorrow when I serve it as part of appetizers for thanksgiving dinner?

Ebay Seller refuses to sell item to highest (and winning) bid. Can we take legal action?

Sue him in civil court and you will Win. Simple as that. It is as simple of a case of Breach of Contract as any, period.

Chris Jericho or The Rock?

The Rock because he is a more experienced , stronger, smarter, more skills, good charisma, shows that he is good, and can beat alot of wrestlers

Do you like Cola Bottles?

You know the little chewy gummy sweets you get? I LOVE them and feel so silly eating them at my age :p xxxx

My wife thinks my engine mods are 10 years too late?

You don't have to spend ALL day EVERY day working on the engine, do you? It's all about balancing your home life with your work life.

Need advice from nondrinkers, our society rooted in alcohol?

I do a lot of the same things you do, but I just order a sodas when I go out because drinking makes me sleepy lol. I don't see why you can't continue enjoying your favorite places, but opt for the non-alcoholic choices. (it's cheaper too). You can kind of sort through the establishments you think you HAVE to buy drinks from...they can't force you go buy drinks!

Blacks boys only: What do you want in a girl?

If you see him in the hall follow him and ask him something like what's your next cl? or what you up to after school? try to get some humor and/or jokes started guys really love it when girls laugh.

Monday, November 14, 2011

My mum is crying hysterically on the phone to my nan what do i do?

When she gets off the phone talk to her, hug her, tell her you feel bad that she is feeling bad. sometimes having a shoulder to cry on is always a good thing, its always a good thing to talk to another person so the person crying would feel alot better about her/himself and they can let out everything and anything that is bothering them. Hope all is well

Early 90's Smoking Cessation Apparatus Infomercial?

During the early or mid-90's, an infomercial ran on television which was hosted by an old male TV star (sorry, I wish I could remember his name...). The infomercial hocked a smoking cessation device, a small plastic apparatus that covered the filter end of a cigarette pack and imprinted perforations in the cigarette filter. The idea was that by adding perforations to the cigarette, fewer chemicals, tar and nicotine would be ingested by smokers. The infomercial featured men and women on the street observing how the product worked, then smoking one of the cigarettes that had been perforated and commenting on the experience. Does anyone remember what the name of this product was? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I hate astral projections,it comes to me naturally, i feel very disturbed at night! any ways to avoid it? thks

at first i had slp paralysis, then i felt as if my "spirit" is floating away? i had this thought of other spirits might tak over my body if i leave so i tried all means to move, like focusing on moving my fingers, it helps. But i fall aslp after a min and the cycle comes back again! pls advice me on how to avoid it, i had many slpless nights, sometimes i even fear of falling aslp, it happens 4 times a week on me.. pls help =(

What cd player/changer can I install in a 97 Chevy Silverado?

Any standard DIN-size CD player can be installed in that vehicle if you use the correct mounting kit, wire harness and GM antenna adapter.

I need suggestions for a banner when i go to badminton at the nia this weekend! please help!?

Obviously not too cheesy puns etc, but something catchy that will get noticed.I'm from es and love badminton and will be out on the tiles later that night. so maybe mentioning something like that???? argh! don't know...

Why we often criticize the knee-high (nylon) socks look? These models on the runway look great?

because it is fun and fearless and different so people are not use to seeing it... so they love to pick and judge. its cool to me

Why has my period started two weeks before it is due?

Your body is getting signals that is making your period irregular are you ually active? that could have something to do with it also stress. There are a lot of factors why your period could come early...Go to google and ask if you dont get a good enough answer here.

Political Correctness and Ft. Hood Murders - disagree with me?

I agree with you. I think we need a government of old when our founding fathers actually spoke their mind and not try to sugarcoat everything to please those they are targeting. This guy was a apparent extremist which lead to him being a terrorist amongst our soldiers. But since he is a shrink I can tell you what he will say "I plead insanity" because he has the knowledge on how to make himself appear to others as such when he goes for a mental evaluation.

Privacy invasion and father issues!

Okay, so I'm 16 and I live with my parents. My parents have programs to check my computer, they check my camera, check my cell phone, credit card, and my phone calls so they can know everything about me. They totally invade my privacy and I don't like it. They go into my room and I've seen my father touch my toys that I keep in a box in my closet. I do not understand why he does those things. I remember telling my mother that he looked at me in weird ways, and she talked to him and he was yelling at me saying how bad I was for even thinking that. Well, I have to wear a lot of clothes and robes and dress down near him because I don't want him to look at me in those ways and I don't even want my feet exposed to this guy cause who knows what weird stuff he'd think about them next. I don't even want him to look at me in the face he disgusts me so much. He has a really bad and weird obsession that I consider unhealthy with s/es of humans and animals alike. He talks about them almost all of the time, makes jokes about them, and I see him look at every single person and animal's rear end that he possibly can, even my own and my other sisters and brothers. Recently when they left, I looked under their bed and I saw a box with a shop's name written on it. I opened it up and there were a bunch of toys in there designed for men and prostate stimulation and I got pretty disturbed. I mean, is he so obsessed with them that he has to bring this into the bedroom of theirs? That's so gross! There was also shaped plugs and lubricant. How is this normal? He always makes fun of gay men and says they're stupid and '*******' yet he likes it up the himself? He is so hypocritical. Every time I see him, he has an or is masturbating under the covers downstairs on the sofa. I don't even like being near this guy.. Any advice? I'm sorry if it wasn't very clear.

My little brother saw The last Excorcism and now he's completely traumatized. ?

I was watching it with my boyfriend last Saturday night and my brother (8 years old) asked could he watch it, I said no because it would be 2 scary 4 him. When we finish watching it my bf and I head upstairs 4 a bit. While I was upstairs my brother put it on and watched the whole thing. After he was petrified. He wouldn't go to bed and he was crying all night. It's been 4 days and he's still freaked out. He can't sleep on his own and he wets the bed. I've tried 2 tell him it's just a movie but he won't listen. I need to get him to be over it by the time my parents come back from holidays on Friday but I don't know how. Please help

According to one of my answers you should respect Christians because they have dedicated their lives to it?

Why should I respect them for that? It doesn't make Christianity any less false. It doesn't change the fact that their religion is money grabbing. Shouldn't they dedicate their lives to something constructive and useful? The argument that their stupidity should be respected because they have been gullible for many years is just further stupidity, is it not?

What's the name of the song?

In The Simpsons episode where Homer thinks that Bart is gay and takes him to hunt a deer and such, what's the name of the gay dance song that plays at the end?

Does anyone remember the name of the organization or young girl who started an Enviromental movement?

I remember this was back in either the 80's or the early 90's. i remember it was about a young girl around 12 or so who started a non profit org with the help of her parents. i remember receiveing newsletters in the mail when i was young.

Is the traditional history of Christianity inaccurate ?

Not only inaccurate, but fictional. The evidence for an 'historical jesus' is scant, at best. The evidence for a 'divine jesus' is simply not credible, because not one scrap of it is backed up by tangible evidence. It's stories. It's fiction.

Insurance claim - am i eligible to claim now?

i have mediclaim insurance with star allied. should we get pre authorization for maternity? actually i missed it..it has become 3 months since my delivery date..am i not eligible to claim the amount now? my company says 'not possible'

What do I need before I move out in the fall?

Boy, you have quite the list there. I do think you can cut this list in half, if you only get what you absolutely need to survive. It is expensive to live on your own. Are you going to college and moving to a dorm? If so you won't need furniture. If not, you're going to need a bed, sheets, blankets, pillows, bathmat, laundry basket, hangers, your dresser and lamps. Do you have a cell phone that will be your only phone, or do you need to buy a phone? Good luck.

Why won't this guy stop bullying me because he thinks I'm a "pretty boy"?

I started a part time job just before Christmas. This guy there took an instant dislike to me and gave me the nickname "pretty boy". He's always going on about how some guys would kill to have pretty boy looks like mine, but they must be as gay as I am. He automatically umed I was gay without even asking, when I'm not. I've told him this but he doesn't believe me because all "pretty boys are gay". He calls me other names and has threatened to wait for me after work to beat the hell out of me. I'd seriously take him if it wasn't for his gang of friends getting involved if I retaliate. It's like 5 of them against me. I'm seriously considering quitting, yet I need the money. How do I resolve this?

Judaism Questions...?

I have to ask questions for a final project to someone of a different religous background. I was supposed to have an interview with a Rabbi but he had to cancel. Please answer these questions if you are jewish. This is for my rough draft. 1.How has religion shaped your life? 2.What are the challenges (if any) in practicing this religion?3.Have you ever lost faith and if you did, why? How did you get it back? 4.How do you view the scientific evidence that suggests the big bang theory? If you met someone in a romatic way, but they did not share your beliefs could you stil have a relationship with them? 5. How has the religion changes since you were a child or your parents were children? When you start to have thoughts or ideas that are consider "impure" how do you handle it?6. Do you pray everyday?7.If you do not pray do you feel guilty?Even if you are a devout person, have you ever questioned your religioin?If so, what was it.Any answers would be greatly appreciated and used as research

Why did Doug Posey commit suicide in The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer?

I guess you didn,t hear the part about the unmentionable disease, that's a STD. Posey hung himself because he loved children and when mr. Rimbauer accused him of molesting young boys and was going to ruin his career he just couldn,t take it.

Taxes for virtual employee who moved out of state?

Back taxes from what? Your question does not make much sense. You will file a PA return for the time and expenses that occurred there.

Whatever happened to Devon Sawa?

He did 4 episodes of Nikita last season. Also, he has 3 movies in post-production (yet to be released).

Interesting baseball situation?

Ok this is interesting so lets see if you follow. In my Junior year of High School I was the top reliever for my team. Over the summer I improved on my hitting and put myself into a good position to start at first base in my senior year along with maintaining my relief spot. Problem is I tore my ACL, MCL, and meniscus in the final football game of the year. Somehow I was able to make it back not too far into the season. I struggled immensely on the mound except in a few spots and it took a while for my hitting to get going. I always though of myself to have some kind of a shot to play at the next level but the injury kinda just let that all p. I am now in college and was considering to try and play again. I was thinking of playing legion ball (yes I am eligible) and the possibly trying to walk on in the fall. How to I go on achieving this? I know I have to train but how? Do I talk to the head coach at my school and ask him if there is a way to train through the program? Or is there another effective way? I feel like it is worth a shot and maybe if I could return to my previous form I could possibly make the team. First base and pitcher is what I could play. Should I also focus on just pitching (thats what I'm better at) or do I give myself more options and do both?

Sugar Gliders ??? PLEASE ANSWER?

Where is a place in utah that i can Get a sugar glider for $150 or $200 with cage??? And when you answer this question please go to my other sugar glider question just type in sugar glider??? and then scroll down to were it had malori h. Thanks a MILLION TRILLION :>) haha Please answer ( You can add as much info about sugar gliders as you want)

Will Titans QB Kerry Collins be exposed in the playoffs?

...or will he join the ranks of Brad Johnson (TB) and Trent Dilfer (BAL) as average quarterbacks that have won a Super Bowl?

How to copyright a serialized work eg.web comic?

I am going to be starting a webcomic and I was wondering how might I go about getting it copyrighted? It is going to be published on a daily basis so I was wondering how might I categorize it. To be a bit clearer, since the work is being made in installments on a regular basis, how would I go about copyrighting the franchise rather than each individual installment.

Is Ground Zero Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf an enemy of the Unites States?

The enemies of America are those that would want to grant the government power to deny people's rights based on their religion.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Muslims do you realize Quran was revealed in bits & pieces as the situation demanded?

We know it very well ,thanks brother Javed for teaching people ,it is ONLY ALLAH who guide or mislead ,

Nikon 50mm f/1.4G AF-S vs. Nikon 85mm f/1.8D AF-D?

The ace is correct.. for flattering portrait shots on APS-C sensor cameras the 50 f/1.4 gives just enough perspective compression to produce quality portraits. Wide aperture lenses tend to be a little soft when shooting wide open. If you don't like this, reduce aperture, or sharpen in post.

I need help fixing my Program!!?

First thing I notice, there is no { before any of your statements in main(). You just have main() then you start declaring variables -- in global space. Put everything in main() space by putting an { in and see what happens.

What are my rights in a six month letting contract?

I have rented a flat privately, and i have been there 4 months and still have not received the gas certificate, I have brought a carbon monoxide detector and it has gone off twice. I do not wish to stay in the flat any longer, is it my right to leave now and not be breaking the contract??? do i have to give my landlord any notice?? i have had enough of waiting now. please only serious answers.

Why did he say this? I told him I was seeing someone else?

whether you like it or not, either one of you was bound to form some kind of emotional attachment, it's very hard for people to have a relationship with each other that involves no real commitment, I think he may have been hurt because he thought you might be feeling the same way as him and he might like you a lot more than you think. Hope I helped :)

I'm not the first to ask this question but is Science proving the existence of an intelligent creator?

Science is proving religion. even the greatest scientists have been quoted in saying that everything is so perfect that it looks "intelligently designed". Plus science had also shown that the odds of pure evolution and the accidental beginning of life are the same as a tornado going through a junk yard and creating an exect replica and fully functional Boeing 747. Also, science often contradicts itself when estimating the age of the earth. They use fossils to date rocks and rocks to date fossils. Furthermore, magnetic radiation in the earth shows that the earth is only around 6,000 years old.

Anyone out there have their Xbox 360 hacked during a MW2 session online?

Last night, I was trying to get into a Domination match and I was thrown into a modded match. This was something that happened occasionally when the game first came out, but it hadn't happened since then. The game was pretty much unplayable, so I got out. After I was out, I found that my MW2 rankings were all screwed up. The rank and prestige level were unchanged, but my tallies for wins, losses, kills, etc. were all changed to impossibly terrible stats. All the challenges were reset. Some of the attachments on the weapons were locked (after I had earned the unlock), but some of them were still there. In the names of my Create a Cl loadouts was the name of a website with "Get It Back" in its name. Fortunately I'm a little too smart to visit such a site, which is sure to be loaded with malware. Some of the things could be fixed, like the fact that my clan tag had been switched to a anti- slur. (OK, that part did make me laugh a little.) It isn't the end of the world. After all, it is just a game. Besides, the challenges resetting themselves actually helps by letting me earn easy points a second time. Still, I wanted to see if anyone else out there had the same thing. Xbox live has been hacked.

How does one begin to understand politics?

I am fifteen. I'm not completely ignorant, but I'm not as informed as I'd like to be, either. I'd like to be able to keep up with the economy, world affairs, important laws. And I'd also like to educate myself in political standpoints. I think I might be liberal, but I'm not completely sure because I'm not very familiar with other standings. Are there any, I don't know... books I can read? Articles? Movies? Where do I begin? Thanks in advance.

You people are ruining Dolly for me!!!?

Wow, I like them both. Why are you ranting and raving? Can't you just appreciate both artists for who they are? I don't see what the big deal is.

Hey, I gotta get some help from everyone?

Ok so my girlfriend of a month or so and i are pretty close, but both our parents dont want us together at 15 and 16, they say we're too young, so we can't go out. I see her everyday for school, and we can't really talk about us there because its school, and its startin to get worse, plus neither of us are very comfortable talkin over the phone, face to face is a whole lot better, and seeing each other at school is kind of a relief but its also kind of a pain, cuz we want to be together so bad...

What doest priority mean for a college application process?

My daughter received several offers of "priority" applications from several schools this year. She did respond to one. The applications were not requested by her but were sent to her because of test scores and grades or something like that. Her priority application was fee-free and was handled with speed and less red tape. It was shorter than some applications, with less essay requirements. She received notice of acceptance about a month after she completed the application.

Children's book help?

ok we have to make a small children's book in Spanish cl. Mine is about how elmo runs away to Spooky Street & the rest of the Sesame Street people go looking for him. It has to be a minimum of 20 pages, and it has to be short. I have the rough draft done, but it's WAY TOO LONG!! So, can you help me make it shorter?

Gf of 2 1/2 years broke up with me?

chill out dude, she just wants to hang out with some other guys right now and see whats out there for her. She wrote single on her Facebook! that must mean she is.....single? You may be trying too hard and she noticed that and was turned off

Is this a mental illness and if so, what is it called?

Based on what you are describing, it sound like a real possibility that he has bipolar disorder (but there is absolutely no way for somebody on yahoo answers to accurately diagnose this man)

Is it all right to...?

cry when a best friend dies? My best friend, Samantha, lost one of HER best friends whom I've talked to a couple of times. Her name was Andrea Bowler, some of you may have read about it in the news or heard about it...Please help me comfort my BFF!!

Should i meet this guy, for gay ?

What happens if he turns out to be another Jeffrey Dabner. You might end up in his freezer or something. Dont trust people like that, he can be a serial killer for all u know.

What are some suggestions for writing a research paper about race relations?

I am trying to brainstorm ideas on writing paper on how race relations have affected a person, institution, city or neighborhood's history. The topic has to be something that can be supported with details to cover the page limit of 12 pages. Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!

Looking for Tattoo Shop in the Burnt Chimneys /Smith Mountain Lake Va area.Owners name is Dan Moore?

I used to live there-the only one I remember was in Rocky Mount-I got my belly on pierced there-There's a couple in Martinsville-they were clean-I dont know what the owners name was-good luck!

What in the hell happened to Shaun Alexander?

Three years ago he had almost as many touchdowns as his age, now all of a sudden he can't play anymore? Did I miss a serious injury he had or something?

How would my mom react to me officially wanting to play football?

So I wanted to play football for a while now, and everyone I know except my mom says I would be good at it. A couple days ago my friend said I would be good on tackle (by the way I'm 15, 236lbs, 6ft). I wanted to play football because I enjoy watching the sport, the sport itself, I wanted to get more fit and I wanted to do something that would help me feel more masculine. But after telling my mom how my friend said I'd be good on tackle, she just let it at "You wouldn't lime it". I don't have a father so I feel she can't relate to me like a regular, loving father. My relationship with my mom is very good, and it's not like playing football in my local town could have any drawbacks -- I already have all A's & B's, and I know I'd be able to make at least one friend by playing football. She knows I'm cl 1 obese, so that a sport like this would be beneficial to my health. So if I told her I ABSOLUTELY wanted to sign up for tryouts in the fall, how would she react? And why is she the only person to say I both wouldn't be good at it AND wouldn't like it? How would a usual mother react to this, and why would she say this?

Are the Geico Cavemen the ugliest characters ever to be shown on a TV commercial?

No, no no no. I don't know if ya'll get the Cox Communications commericals. But the one where the guy is asking the tech about the service connection on his phone. He says , "Last night I gave my number to three smokin' hot ladies and not one call. What's the chance that they all called at once and jammed up your system?" The tech replies,"About one in a billion." The dork says, "so your saying there is a chance." that guy is only a face a mother (blind) could love.

Endometriosis Early Menopause Low Blood Sugar Connection?

Yes, there is a chapter on menopause and PMS in Dr. Katharina Dalton's book, The PMS Bible. It links low blood sugar with progesterone levels and the effects - feeling anxious, irritable, bloated, all the rest.

How do i get wav sounds/files to play? i remember back in the day, my friend had different wavs for everything

ok, like my friend used to have a homer simpson wav file play when he received mail. and other wav's for different things. how do i go about doing this on my computer?

Do you think this is a good idea to really purse forward? 10 points?

I think it is a great idea. Personally, I love history and there is so much out there that people do not know. Since some will not read about it, creating and explaining in a picture/cartoon format would be great for young and old alike. Good luck with the project. Marketing the results to schools and potentially to venues such as the History or Discovery channels may be good things to think about. I look forward to seeing the results in the future.

How would you get the Civil Service to implement cuts?

Like the Romans. Line them up and every tenth person, Chop! Decimate. Except this time it should be every 5th person.

Has anyone heard this saying? and can you finish for me, whiskey makes you frisky.....?

Whiskey makes you frisky brandy makes you randy rum makes you dum.... & is there more to this saying?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why does god take good people out of this world and leave child molesters and murders in the world?

god took my father and mother a year and a half apart two people whom would give you the shirt off of their backs or feed a hungry stranger. but left people like my ex husbands family to roam the earth they are child molesters and thieves.

How do I get my point across without starting a heated debate?

I have a friend who's involved in a church who's leader I have reason to believe is leading his followers astray. She e-mailed me some of his views and I found in the Bible direct disagreements to what he teaches. I want to let my friend know this, and I want her to realize that she is in error. The problem is, she is a very devout follower of this man and I don't like stepping on people's toes. Also, english is her second language. Would it be better to explain these contradictions I've noticed via e-mail, or face to face? Also, how should I lead in to what I'm about to tell her, knowing it's stripping away th foundation she's been standing on for years now?

I have a lifted chevy one ton with a 10" lift and a death wobble. Any ideas?

My death wobble seams to happen when i hit bumps on either side of the truck (but not ones that hit both wheels at once, ie speed bumps) it seems to be a problem between 25 and 45 somthing like that. Any slower or faster i havent had a problem.

What should I expect in a Puja?

My opinion? Shoes off, try to be quiet and wear something not too revealing. But if you're interested to see what millionheads thinks - go to www.millionheads.com and ask your question there to tap the collective wisdom of crowds. You'll get a pie-chart back giving you a definitive answer, rather than a bunch of opinions. Good luck!

He felt guilty about us and broke it off. What does he want from me now?

Dude, Maybe he is in love with you now. Maybe he's still confused. You won't be sure of these things unless you ask him. But I guess, you need to give him a chance but in due time. Let him find himself first. Let him fix his issues. And help him all through out. Good luck.

Student Loan Consolidation?

I have almost 9k more in student loans and I'm paying almost 100 a month. This isn't a lot compared to some peoples loans, but when you pay 1k for rent and utilities then an extra 100 hurts the team. Anyways, my question is when you consolidate student loans does this affect your credit score? I have over a 700 rating and if this does affect the rating I'd rather stick to paying 100. Worked too hard to get my credit up and rather not take any unneccessary hits on it. Thanks in advance.

How do i search for a song title of a clical piece?

There is a website called www.midomi.com. You can hum melodies into it, or just play the music directly - it picks up on the tune/pitch, and will find matches for you. If your song is well-known enough, the site will probably recognize it.... Did I just answer this question twice?

Do you think Natasha Richardson Had a chance if she had went straight to the hospital instead of waiting/?

I kind of think if she had left right away, the doctors could have been more prepared for her. What do you think??

My bf Family day at fort knox is in two days...

Does he need to be signed out on Family day? Just asking because I heard that you do have to be signed out by immediate family. but his parents are going to be an hour late. So can he be signed when they get there? or can he be signed out by somebody else?

Who thought that those firemen was funny? There was only two with no police, and you can tell it was fake.?

They looked like they didnt know what they were doing! Surely if the owner of WWE had just been blown up there would be more people around? Not just one fire engine! I liked the product placement of the film 'The Condemed' as it was "speeding" towards the limo!

How to do a 27 dresses themed sweet sixteen?

I really love this movie and would love to make it into a theme for my sweet sixteen! I also had the idea of starbucks theme, but i wanted to incorporate this 27 dress idea also. I thought about changing it to 16 dresses. need ideas! things to do, eat, and wear. the coffee aspect i thought like coffee themed bingo, give out coffee cups with chocolate dipped spoons and biscottis but what should i add for the 27 dresses theme? Please help

Report: Priest admits Foley relationship with him ually inappropriate?

Whether Foley admits it or not, it is a proven fact that most people who are ually abused in their youth will do it to others, if not properly treated/counseled. I don't think the problem exists only with Catholic priests, although they DO have a bad situation on their hands...and what are they doing about it? It sickens me too!!! I'm not sure if marriage would be the answer (for those who are abusing young boys). ual problems like that are not cured with marriage. They need to see their thoughts and behaviors as wrong; to turn away from them; and to seek God's help (you'd think they would know this) and get some pretty good counseling! AND, never never never allow themselves to be alone with children again. Do alcoholics hang out in bars? Do dieters feast their eyes on tempting truffles? No! Remove yourself from the temptation and get help to keep accountable!

There is a bump on the back of my head.?

on the back of my head a few inches above my hair line. it is a hard and it hurts whn i touch it. it is a half inch in diameter. Does anyone know what it could be?

Romance and cultural differences in the workplace?

I am relatively new to North America; I come from a French speaking country. I met a guy around 3 months ago in the workplace, which is very multicultural, and noticed he is attracted to me. However, the guy does not talk to me or even worse, avoids me. Once in a month I need information from him to prepare a report. Last time when I went to his place, he looked at my eyes and hold his eyes during all the conversation, he was kind of saying me "I love you" with his eyes. I remembered I twirled my hair unconsciously. He promised me to give me the information the next day but he never did it (he was supposed to go to my cubicle but he never showed up). I tried to remind him about this by trying to call his attention on different ways. Last week we had a get together in the office with the other co-workers and I sat down in front of him. I noticed he was kind of intimidated by my presence. I would just like to know if there's anything wrong with me or if this is part of the North American culture (although where I work is a mix of cultures with people from all over the world; it is a multi-national company). I like him too, but I just don't know what might be happening here. Anyone can help me?

Is the NFL going to be ready for the Mighty Chicago Bears next year?

Uhhh.....no.....not gonna happen. I think Cutler is better than he played this year but nowhere near the best QB in the league. I think the Bears are going to struggle for a while actually. The Cutler trade set them back as far as drafting to so talent in that respect will be stunted for a while. Their success is going to be in the form of getting wide recievers and an offensive line. This is gonna take some time.

What cars/compact SUV's are recommended for a teenager?

Okay, for what you have described, you need to buy a Subaru... You cant go wrong with any model, just stay away from the early 2000 models with 2.5L engine; they had some issues. For $15-$20K you can easily pick up a late model Forester or Impreza outback sport, and if you want you could even go with the sport versions of both; the WRX and XT. For your bike, it's not hard to find a used subie with a roof rack installed... You can throw away the rest, with the exception of the Tiguan, but I don't know how many of them you will find for the right price...

Does xbox gives hull hd(1080p) video?

everyone says that xbox 360 slim gives full hd video is it correct? because it has a dvd player..only a blu ray player gives full hd video not a dvd player..by that means only ps3 gives hull hd video

Do you think Mr Obama will server a second term as President.?

Now that our President has kept all his promises made before during and after his election won the Nobel peace prize and found his family the perfect dog do we really need someone with all his greatness to server a second term. Personally i hope he moves to the middle east to save them from there own lack of knowledge and ignorance and then apologize for there downfalls the great one should spread out.

Do you feel saturated with vulgarities?

It seems there is no escape from the gutter element now. "Get your sh**" and "pi**ed off" are ped off as acceptable English. Every sentence is peppered with the f word, with urine and feces, constant references to es. A coward is a "pu**y." A traitor is a "di*k." Do you think this is because people are cattle and don't know how to demand something better for themselves? Or is it intellectual laziness, and incompetence at using the language? Or an idiotic contest to prove oneself to be the baddest?

Are the Indian poor people voters soft target for voting?

75% to 90% of the Indian people are very poor and I think soft targets. When you give Rs.100 or Rs.500 they do as it is for the people. Voting is done this way. Hence, whoever gives lots of free money or material things will only win all elections. But cash for vote is against the rules of the election commission. How to control SEVENTY FIVE CRORE people against this SCAM? Are the Indian poor people soft target for voting scam? How to control seventy five crore people against this HUGE SCAM?

What do you think are the best or most important things to do in London, England?

My Children and I are traveling to London enroute to Ghana. We will be in London for 3 full days before we head on to Ghana. What do you think are the most important things to do?? Or places to see in such a short time? We are also looking for great places to eat. Last, can someone suggest a pub or location to watch the US BCS National Football Championship?

Why does he keep asking for ?

agreed to have a fwb relationship with some guy but i changed my mind. He keeps pressuring me to have with him. When i declined his advances, he deleted his personal ad so there's no communication b/w him and i, unless he calls me. He seems really effected by this, should i give him a chance?

Would you be happy if Lebron would have done similar to what KG did?

KG is a cl act and a true leader. He stuck with his team until near enough the very end. LeBron ditched his "back to back 60 win season" team and his status as a LEADER to become a follower and a man puppet. He' the new Scottie Pippen. Never will be mentioned with the true greats!

What are his legislative accomplishments?

Bobo, I wish he had some...after all, we Illinoisans have been paying his salary. He never should have earned more than $1.

The British National Party!?

I often go on the party site as I find it a never ending source of amusement! Anyone else do this, or am I just a whacko! OR, if you believe in their policies could you justify them to me, without resorting to phrases like 'you commie c**t' etc..(as i've been called in the past by gentle folk of the bald head and oversized boots persuasion) Ta.

Do i have to use lubricant when i go up a size on gauges/plugs?

do i have to use any lubricant when i go to a different size on gauges? i am a newbie and this dude at hot topic told me that i didn't have to, but has anyone not used lubricant when they went up a size? b/c everyone i asked have so idk and where can i get it?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Do you like these names?

I like the first one for both boy and girl, lilly would be a cute nickname and Darren Alexander rolls off well but it also has to match the last name so keep that in mind

Broken hip, maybe a pulled muscle, what is it?

The answer to that depends entirely on the cirstances. How old are you, and how did you break your right hip? Hip fractures are almost unheard of in people under 50, unless there is serious trauma involved, and "growing too fast" is a ridiculous explanation ( I'm an RN who works medicine, pediatrics, and ER, by the way). And what makes you think that you broke your other hip - there are thousands of reasons why it would hurt. If you are truly concerned, ask your doctor for an Xray, just for your piece of mind. If it shows nothing, ask for a referral to a physical therapist or licensed mage therapist.

What is the best to use to remove cat urine odor from a washable/scotch guarded microsuede sofa cushion?

I have a steam vac and am going to steam clean it, but I have only put a vinegar solution on it now to start neutralizing the proteins, etc, in the urine spot. I want to use the right and best cleaning solution for cleaning it. Thanks.

Any cisco representative here to help me join CCNA in hyderabad.?

Hi, i have done A+ and N+ before 2 years and have experience in Networking for 2 years. Now i would like to join Cisco, Can any one let me know about the cost for doing CCNA and CCNP including all fee in details. I would like to do this in hyderabad, INDIA.

Please help i am a little lost?

Hi I have pcos and my cycles never come when they should. The doctor put me on clomid, I started af nov 6th and started clomid nov 10th I went in for my ultra sound yesterday nov 17th and they said they only seen a couple of follicles and they were 10mm one was 11mm. I just wanted to know if there is any chance that I will ovulate? and is it possible that I will ovulate late? Thanks

Have Welsh men got the wrong idea about the Welsh lyric "there'll be a welcome in the hillside".............

a href="http://springsfel.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/the-good-shepherd.jpg.w300h413.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://springsfel.tripod.com/sitebuilder…/a

Is this Legal for me to be with her?

I'm want to know if it not illegal to have relations with 14 year old girl when I'm over legal age(much)? Does change legality if lady is not American citizen? The man I payed said it was legal in Texas but I am very very worried to be honest and regret.

Good guitar songs/riffs for acoustic/electric?

I have an acoustic guitar and I am teaching myself a bit how to play guitar and I want to learn some good beginner songs and I am soon getting a Squier SE Strat Guitar Pak With Sp-10 Amp Antique White for christmas ! :P So I would also like to know osme good easy guitar riffs / scales to learn and to improve my skills :D Thanks !!!

Would this be a good way to get good Christmas present or should I let it go?

I really want a good pair of binoculars. Burris Binoculars. I have an unusual psychological condition. I enjoy being d by needles. When a needle is stuck in my body, my brain releases a lot of endorphins to deal with it. This is not this unusual. I found out I get a "high" out of it. I eventually became a Red Cross Gallon member (8 units of blood). But you can only give blood every 56 days. You can give apheresis every two weeks. When you give blood, they take it out in like 20 minutes or 30 minutes. When you give apheresis, they put needles in both arms, pump the blood out, centrifuge it, and then pump it back in. It takes about three hours. Usually they take plasma, white blood cells or platelets. You have apheresis junkies who get high on it, and go every two weeks to donate. I just like the feeling of being d. Anyway, I am a practicing Roman Catholic. But I have some conflict with the Church over my lifestyle. Through the Church gvine, I found there was a Priest who would give confession, absolution and penance to ANY Catholic so LONG as the penance they chose was to give blood or apheresis. Just what I wanted to hear. So I get absolution for my lifestyle, and the only penance I have to do, is something I get a psychological "high" out of doing anyway. Anyway, the priest was giving me my absolution, and he mentioned that this kid in his parish had cancer, and she was the same blood type as me---A Positive. And would I go in, and see if my blood type was compatible with hers? She had leukemia and needed platelets. We were compatible. I gave her the platelets, and she got better. Small problem. She needs A LOT of platelets. And apparently, she needs a CERTAIN type of blood platelets within the A positive type. So I have gotten called three times after that, asking for platelets. I don't mind. I give anyway. One time it was sort of short notice and I parked in the hospital lot where (unbeknown to me) the family was in a minivan. I performed a quick physical action with another man when he dropped me off, which left no doubt as to my orientation and lifestyle. Well, the father is a fireman, and the mom is a nurse. And they are very, very conservative. And I make them, really, really uncomfortable. I think they would like to invite me to dinner, or someone like that, but I make their skin crawl. The father in particular, I think would like to thank me, but he just sort of grunts and says "Thanks a lot." while avoiding eye contact. I disgust him. Also I think he has issues because TECHNICALLY a certain group of people isn't supposed to give blood. I do anyway. The Red Cross has begged the Congress to get rid of that law. So I am sort of enjoying the fact that this bigot is being forced, for the sake of his daughter, to accept help from someone that he really despises. And I think he and his wife are feeling guilty that they just quickly shake hands and thank me and walk away. And this particular hospital really is a BIT of a drive, so they realize they are imposing on me, but they hate my lifestyle so much they can't bring themselves to be nice. The Mom, I notice, hugs everyone, the nurses, the doctors, etc. And thanks them profusely for helped her daughter. Then she gets all stiff and rigid near me and shakes my hand. I think that they feel guilty. So the last time I was there, after I made my three hour donation, I was getting up and the Dad sort of walked over and looked at the wall, and said, "I-want-you-to-know-we-are-really-gratef… He then turned and walked away. I told him to his back "Thanks, I'll think about it." Did he really mean it? Or was that just a polite nothing? Should I tell him that I would like a pair of Burris Binoculars? The cheapest ones are $169, one sale on the internet. Firemen and nurses made good money, right? Every time I have given platelets, it's a 40-45 minute ride one way, to the City of Duarte, and 2-3 hours in the chair. And they can't get anyone else to donate the platelets they need. At least not right away, any time on call they need it. Should I ask the guy to buy me a pair of Burris Binoculars? Or would that be low cl? Should I just ask for a pair of binoculars, and let the guy decide if he just wants to buy me a cheap pair of Chinese binoculars from Wal-Mart for $20? Or is it low cl to ask for anything at all? I figure I am scoring no points with this family anyway. I know they are talking trash about me, because both the girl's older brother and younger brother avoid me. The older brother just brushes by me with contempt. The younger brother looks at me scared and keeps his distance. So maybe I shouldn't ask for anything at all? . I really want a pair of Burris Binoculars. Should I ask? Or is their bank being drained by their daughter's illness, and I really shouldn't ask?

Can you cite any case law when an appellate court overturned a lower one because of witness badgering, details?

For example, if a prosecutor or defense attorney continued to badger a "key" witness and the judge did not sustain the objections of the witnesses counsel or the judge did not take proper action to cause blatant badgering to cease, but allowed it to continue to the benefit of one side of the litigants.

Everyone and Anyone: what bothers you the most about the way Christianity is presented to you?

As a Christian, I am disappointed with the way many Christians act. Most come on too strong and are extremely judgmental of others. I try my best to not annoy all of the non-Christians in the world without forgetting my values.

How to burn DVDs faster?

I have a sony vaio laptop with windows 7 and I have been using windows dvd maker to burn dvds, mostly from torrent files. My problem is, It is averaging about 2 hours to burn a dvd. Actually, it only takes a few minutes to burn but it takes forever to encode. Then, after it is burnt and encoded, if i try to make another copy later, it has to re-encode it? is this normal and is there any way I can burn more efficiently, either with a better program or just a different method? Thanks in advance! Oh, also, I have had 2 movies in the past two days burn with no audio? In the dvd preview, right before i burn, it has sound and there is nothing wrong, but then, when it burns, i put it in and there is no sound to it?! This is quite frustrating after waiting two hours to burn a single dvd, then to put it in and there is no sound! It's also quite a waste of discs. Can anyone help with either problem?

How do you tell your mom you are going to major in art?

How do you explain to a mother who fully believes in science that you want to pursue a career in the art field? My mumsy thinks that the world revolves around science and has never supported me with my art, she wants me to become a vet, but I don’t want to waste years of my life paying for a career that I wont enjoy. I have tried explaining this to her subtly, and she has already threatened to disown me for good. HELP!

Should i join the swim team?

should i join the swim team?But im not that good and a person i hate is joining or should i stay in badminton?it so easy and not challenging at all..i dont know which to choose

Can you read and help me out with my sonnet/iambic pantameter style?

the guy above you answered well; i just hit this because my husband is a die-hard packers fan. he will like the username you chose...lol

I need suggestions and information about my Private Student Loan?

This is in regards to a Private Student Loan I took out. I had a co-signer and now my co-signer wants her name removed from the loan. This is giving me rest less night because everyday she bugs me about this. Does anyone know of a legit Student Loan Company I maybe able to Consolidate my Private Student Loan with? I took out the loan from Salliemae and at this time they are no longer consolidating Private Student Loans.

In "The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion", is the "Dark Brotherhood" faction thingy a reference to Satanist?

I was cheating on Oblivion the other day, (i.e. God Mode, max gold, stats, etc.) and when I slept in Hawkhaven after killing a bunch of people, some dude Lucient Lachance or something came to me, I did the quest, killed Rufio, then got accepted in to The Brotherhood. At which point my *christian* mom came in, and was watching me play. I was doing contracts involving killing people, and she took note of the black cloak outfit, and so she said "never hang out with any people who really do wear dog collars and black cloaks". The Dark Brotherhood reminds me kind of of Satanism, which is my secret religion (withheld from my mom who I convince I am a christian.). Is it synonymous with Satanism?

How can some women ruin a mans life with charges that are not true?

Not talking about athletes or stars but in life in general. I have personally seen women charge a man with cause he left them or they got caught in the act an then yell . I've seen it so much in the military and working around different countries and states. If you consented to having with someone then you should own up to it. I even had a girl try to put my on ual harment charges cause she snuck up behind me and some of the guys had asked me if I had with a girl and I said yes. She claimed we were talking explicit around her. My point is that an innocent man can face years of his life in prison an then when released he is labeled a convicted rapist. I understand there are cases that are true but I can't stand when women put a mans life and well being in jeopardy cause they got caught cheating or in the act of having . I am working in Iraq and a guy broke up with this woman an wasn't even in the area at the time it happened. But she threw herself down the stairs and broke her arm an bruised us real bad an she said that she had been d by him. She was fired but the thing that saved him was that he had just left the day before to work at another camp for a few days. If he had been at his regular base he would have been fired and charged with and ault.

Can you use any weight of bbs for any airsoft gun?

Im getting a new gun and i have .12g bbs but it says on the website to use .2g bbs. Can i use .12g bbs? and if so will it mess up the gun in any way?

Do people realize how many hit songs Rhett Akins has wrote..especially Blake Shelton fans?

oh yeah i read about these a long time ago. very good question. apparently he'd probably make more money writing these than releasing them as his own. rhett's one of my favorite singers and it annoys the living hell out of me how he's so underrated. i like his versions of kiss my country a** and put a girl in it than the others. i've never been able to figure why he's so underrated, and except for that aint my truck and dont get me started were his only successful singles (dont get me started was his only #1 hit), so even in the 90s he was underrated. very confusing indeed. also on wikipedia i read about rhett's version of kiss my country a** and alot of radio stations refused to play it because of the a word in the title. i'm uming those stations are playing blake' version?

How old were you?

Not that I condone teenagers having , but why is it that when some of these young girls have legitimate questions about , they are immediately bombarded with answers from people calling them sluts, or telling them they are too young, or just plain putting them down? When was the last time a teen actually listened when someone, let alone a stranger, told them not to do something? Were me and my friends the ONLY teens having ? Wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest to just answer the question or just move right on to the next question? So I guess the real question is, how old were you?

Whats wrong with being self righteous atheist?

dint your bible say that we will receive prays of god, god will begin to speak foward our righteousness of hill sayeth the lord

What player would you most like to see leave the EPL?

I don't want to know who you don't think is good enough. I want to know who you would most like to see leave just because you can't stand watching them play?

What other TV shows would you recommend?

One Tree Hill, Secret Life of the American Teenager, Glee (not sure if ur into musical dramadies, but it has some guy candy lol), etc. I agree with Lola on OTH....the previous season (season 7) wasnt that great, but I really recommend watching seasons 1-6 (trust me, thats a LOT of episodes to get you through lol)!

Biometrics : Should my American wife be present?

I am in the process of getting my permanent residency. I was on a student visa, graduated and now applied for permanent residency. Should my wife be present for the biometrics, or will we have to come in later for the interview where they will decide of whether our marriage is legitimate? How long after the biometrics can I expect to receive my employment authorization card, as my current one expires in May.

What do you think about this news story in the Thame Gazette today?

I get the FEELING that you're writing from England somewhere, but I'm not sure. Anyway, In the USA, Wright's actions would certainly be cause for his termination. He need never have touched a child. Inappropriate behavior is enough. Some would want his death, but those are parents.

Survivor: Japan (Part XII)?

smart and did a switcharoo ... managing to give herself Immunity. Now that she doesn't have immunity, she is the one who is out. She isn't

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do you think girls wear thongs just to attract attention?

There's the slutty girls who want attention by showing it off, and then there's the girls who wear because it's their underwear of choice. I wear thongs without the intention of showing them off, they're just usually more pretty and makes me feel y, even if a guy doesn't know that I'm wearing it. It all depends on the type of girl she is.

*BI-PARTISAN* meeting on the 25th February??? Is there anyone out there?

who actually believes 0bama is truly going to be bi-partisan, after one year with *NO PARTIZANSHIP*? Or is 0bama setting a trap for the GOP?

Does your cat help you wrap Christmas presents? How fun is that?

Sounds about right! Makes you wonder why people buy fancy, expensive toys for their cats, when their favorite toys are inevitably a paper grocery bag, an empty box, bottle caps and the plastic ring from the milk jug.

Who should I start this week?

I need to start a QB and I have three to choose from. Trent Edwards(playing MIA), David Garrard(playing CLE), or Matt Ryan(playing PHI). Which one should I start???

Is anyone reading "Hamlet"?

I have to write a character ysis about one of the people in it. Who should I choose and why? Thanks!

I have 2 or 3 strands of hair growing directly on the shaft of my , should I be worried?

I have a lot pubic hair down there already but now it seems about 3 strands of hair have grown midway from the middle of the shaft and the head. I am 15, is this abnormal?

I am feeling stomach pain everytime I eat? Whats going on?

I mountain bike quite often in all weather conditions. And I am not to great with the 'inhale through your nose, exhale by mouth". Its easy to guess that mountain biking exerts a lot of energy, so I find my self breathing heavily at times. Due to being out of breath. I went 2 days in a row last week and did not wear my mouth covering gator. So I was breathing all that cold cold air right in rapidly. From then to about a couple days ago, I was feeling chest pain, mainly in the center of my chest. (One would think not the center, but instead the right and left side of my chest where my lungs are, but no, its in the center.) Also, every time I eat or drink anything I get pain that I can feel move down my, I guess esophagus?, all the way to my stomach, where the pain persists for a few moments. I no longer have pain all the time, its just when I eat, and very occasionally a random breathing pain. So my question is, wtf is going on? I am certain it is from the cold weather, for the same thing happened last winter, just not as drastically. It did clear up last year however. and the temperature around here is around 30 deg F. Thanks for your help!

Do you think he likes me?

Sorry this is so long but please read. Ok well there's this guy at my school (he's new) that I like. He's one of my friends and he's really nice.It's weird bc this other girl likes him and when ppl ask him if he likes her he says one of my friends likes her. I'm pretty sure the dude she likes doesn't like her. But when we were at this party he grabbed my arm like 3 times and he was like let's dance! (we didn't end up dancing because it would look weird if we were the only 2). Then we talked at the party and when he hugged me b4 I left (he didn't hug the other girl that liked him) he asked if I still liked this other dude so I said no. I found it kinda suspicious..he said it kinda quickly too so idk. We tlk at school at least once a day and occasionally in English I'll be looking around the room and he looks at me 4 like 2 seconds, then looks away. It seems like he's staring at me sometimes! He used 2 like one of my other friends but hes over her now..my friend says that he grabbed her arm 1 time but didn't do anything else but 2 the girl that likes him he grabbed her arm and they both ran 4 like 5 secs. He did that bc one of his friends threw coke on these 2 ppl that were making out so they had to make a run for it.He did that 2 me 3 times. By the way, he told everyone including me that he liked a girl from the Place he just moved from but he doesn't go back there that often. When we were In math he wrote hey Jen on his whiteboard and kinda laughed. Then he told me that me and some other guy would be a good couple bc I had 2 be his partner in tennis. He was joking.Another girl (let's call her lindsey) said that he like stares at her like he does to me & he hugged her at the party. He danced with 2 8th graders at my school, but I'm pretty sure it was for a joke. He kind of grinded with the girl that likes him and danced w/ her too, but he told me he was trying to make her happy (idk any guy that would do it for that reason only, but he seems like the person to do that so). Oh yeah and he raised his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out at me with a funny look on his face.He also told me i had really blue eyes twice and when we took exams he told me he liked my "shirt thingy". We sometimes mouth talk across the room. I've noticed that in our yearbook if he's in the same picture as me he is either next to me or close by if that affects anything. Sometimes when one of our cles is over he will come near my desk with his friends and occasionally talk to me. It's kind of weird when he stares at me bc he just stares he doesn't say hey or anything and it's kind of awkward but i dont look away. I got one of my guy friends to ask him if he liked me and he was like uhh noo! in like an annoyed voice. When i accused him of liking lindsey he had this really mad/ annoyed look. Oh and when i was crying once or getting really close he kept asking me what was wrong and he tells me i'm smart and thinks i do soo good in certain cles when it's not true. We have a few inside jokes if that changes anything. When i was talking to my best friend (this guy used to like her) she said he would annoy her on purpose but he didnt do anything else. Do you think he likes me or one of the others? Im really confused. If you say yes, can you possibly explain why you think that? I'm not good with this kind of thing. Thanks.


i was wondering if i bring a friend to great america (santa clara) and i have a season p does my friend have to pay the regular price or does he go in for another price

Is Mick Jagger Biual?

I watched a doentary on the stones and they had a big party. There were women there too. But somehow they were so messed up they had a episode. Jagger was shocked at their behavior and told the others "we really crossed the lie last night. It will not happen again'. That's what the doentary said. I do not know .They did not elaborate on it.

Why would coaches who are successful or have a chance at success in the NFL leave to coach a college team?

It's the frickin NFL! Why would someone like Jim Harbough choose to go to Michigan instead of going to the NFL to coach the Panthers. Why is Charlie Weis going to Florida to be the OC, when he is one more year of Chiefs success away from becoming a hot commodity in the NFL.

Anyone saw "Dead Silence" movie ?? How "Mary Shaw" goes dead ?

So far there is no talk of a sequel or remake. Mary Shaw did not die. She lived in the woman that was Jamies step-mom. His step-mom was THE perfect doll that Mary created. Hope this helps.

What r u tired of ?

Wow, me too! Mostly, 'cept for the 5th one. I am also sick of the stupid war, though I am not considered an adult, I think like one. I have opinions, and I'm also sick of people treating me like I'm not important, I'm smarter than some adults!!!!!!!!*coughpresidentcoughbush*L… yeah.So that's what I'm sick of. Man that felt good!

Thomas Jefferson roles of president?

You want someone to do your homework don't ya. Well it ain't going to be me. I do know two things. Jefferson was the first president to kick some Jihad Muslim with our new navy. If Jefferson were here today he would march to the White House, drag obama out into the street and lay a serious can of whoop-*** on him. Then when he was done he would pull out another can and do it again.

What are ALL of the star wars movies?

ive seen 1-6 but isnt there one with darth maul? i remember seeing him somewhere when i was little and saw them but not in any of those movies. are there any others becides those movies?

Help you could save lifes?!? 10points!?

hi,my kitten has roundworms i think i done a lot of Research he has bloated belly while very thin and he has soft poop i rescued him from an ally are there any free voluntary for rescued cats vets? in miami,florida? please help its only a little treatment its not so big?,NO STUPID ANSWERS! AND NO TALK ABOUT OVERCOUNTER MEDICINES

What is your favorite.......?

i would try to answer but you have too much for my brain to catch up with. but my favorite food is carrots..what about you Mr keewee pumpkin eater kiiwii and so on....

Pregnant or Imagination???

I was wonderin if I could be pg? I hav been havin some weird stuff happen to me lately. I had on April 28 and had my period before that on the 26th, then had another period on late afternoon may 13 very lite, then on may 14 it was kinda normal, but it stopped completely by early, early mornin may 15. I spotted a brown discharge about 4 days after . I’ve been having lower backaches, lightheadness severly, having to pee more, my look different, I look swollen down there, my stomach has been upset a lot, heartburn, feeling extremely sleepy, moodswings, and am majorly irritable. My boyfriend has asked me 3 or 4 times if I’m pregnant, and a few of my friends have asked, and 3 of my closest friends think I am, and my mom told me that she thought I was gonna get pg b4 my next bday and said I would b next to tell her im pg…Im in college and rly need to know wat the possibility is tat im pg?? I dont want to buy an hpt unless theres a rly good possiblity that i am pg...

I burned a DVD using Imgburn but my dvd player won't play it, what gives?

I recently installed ImgBurn on my computer and followed all the steps to creat dvd and it said it burned successfully but for some reason my DVD player won't play it. the Movie was in .avi format if that helps.

MLA format for citing article from volume of criticism?

I have to cite sources i found in a big book filled with literary criticisms and i have no idea how to do it. I have the info for the reference book and info for each individual article but i don't know how to organize it. Does anyone know where i could find the proper format. I looked on owl.edu but all it gave me was articles from an encyclopedia

Who is better: Tony Romo or Eli Manning?

I honestly would say Tony Romo. Sure you can say that Tony Romo hasn't won a playoff game but how long did it take Eli to win one. And Tony Romo is going into his 3rd year as a full starter, and Eli Manning is a huge crybaby. Plus Tony Romo is more consistant, and Eli Manning was "A franchise quarterback" over night, but tell me what happened when Plaxico Burress went away. Plus how is Tony a choke artist, he lost a playoff game against the giants, I'd like to see any other quarterback in that situation. 30 out of 32 quarterbacks couldn't do that, and Seattle put a wet ball there on purpose, AND Tony Romo shouldnt have even been the place kicker. Plus Tony Romo has records unlike Eli. Tony Romo has better stats, and if he wins a Super Bowl by 2010 he will have done better then Eli AND Peyton. So, I've disproved Eli's Super Bowl, with Tony still has time to match that Mile Stone, Tony has better stats, More records, and Tony Romo has more touchdowns in one season then Eli Manning does. And another thing, stop saying how Eli has more pressure on his shoulders because he has to live in "His Brothers Shadow" because why is Peyton Manning that good, but Eli cant top any records, no all he has to fall back on is his Super Bowl Championship. You tell me whos better.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do I act with my doctor boss I'm working for at the moment?

Just say "Oh you are funny but I don;t feel qualified to talk about patients." And change the subject...if he IS having a little cheap thrill from talking like this...then he will be bright enough to know that you're not a fool who will allow him to do this.

Is it possible to repair a chimney w/ internal damage?

The fire box fell out of it. There's chimney flue's missing. Is there ANY way to repair it or do I have to tare it down?

Out of codeine and dextropropoxyphene, which is the strongest pain reliever?

The codeine is better it will relieve the pain I use it a lot. The other is a sedative not really for pain.

Someone living in my apartment complex told a lie to the landlord saying i threatened them.being evicted now?

about a week ago i was driving through the complex heading to my parkin. there was a guy in front of me in his car. i guess he thought i was driving a little too close and did not appreiciate it. he got out of his gar with a girl and came up to my door and was yelling and screaming at me trying to fight me. he was very angry and yyelling profanity and just going crazy. i stayed in my car to avoid a fight. then he drove off and i parked. that was the end or so i thought. just a few days ago i got a eviction notice on my door saying " you were tailing another residents vehicle with your vehicle. when you were asked to stop you refused and verbally threatened the resident. threatening and intimidating other residents is a violation of your lease contract" i have court on tuesday. if there is no proof of me doing this, which i didnt, should i be worried? it would be my word against his. what do you think? what are some things i should say in court? thanks

How can i get over my ex?

Ok well theres nothing anyone can say or do to make you feel any better, time heals all wounds and time is the only cure for you here take up a hobby and you will feel better in time, best of luck hun :) xxx

Wheres the best place to meet Hot young women?

Im 20 and i want to find an extremely gorgeous hot Girl where can i find an abundance of girls that are HOT and want to meet guys and flirt and talk and get their numbers and give them a good time?

How can I keep my layups from getting blocked?

extend your arms, use your off hand to protect the ball, if the defender is behind you use your to push him away

I tink my friend is like, dead?

now ok i kno wat ure thinking dis guy is stoopid. but my friend wuz drinking beer and fell down the stairs, face furzt. we all laughed, and tried to get him to get up, but he didn't. he has no pulse. wut shuld i do? we're all like, freeking out.

What will u do if NASA announces that the next wednesday earth will blow off into pieces?

what things will u plan if NASA announces like this ... Within one week wat good things apart from drinking,f**kin u will do.it can also be personals like "i'll talk to my first boyfreind "..

According to your basis of morality (whether it be some sort of holy book or something else entirely)...?

Hey... you're talking about what happened with Lot and his daughters... I take it you have problems with some of the things in the old and new testament correct?

Does adding water to oodles and noodles reduce the amount of sodium in it?

yes, even though you are adding more water, there is still the same amount of salt, but just tastes waterier because of more water. when i eat cup noodles, theres a lot of salt, i rinse it first to get lots of the salt out and ive realized that i like it better with less salt, its more appetizing to know that theres less salt and the taste. also by rinsing out the noodles with water it does reduce the salt

Why do all the pretty mixed girls like white guys?

I pure 100% black, I have dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, and a natural body. My school mostly white uptight kids, and it just me and my ghetto crew! Me Quincy the king, Rashad the joker, Gatar the bullet and Laquisha the women and Fretroy the 200 pounds of black. The white kids alwasy be with each other. Laquisha is the only black girl in school and she is as ugly as my mamas a$$, so I didnt want to approach her and make my african magic tak over her, so I thought I had a chance with one of them mixed girls but NOOOOOO they be with the white kids hanging out and eating luch with them talking all white acting all white and wearing stupid abercombie,uggs,allstar shoe sh!t like that not accepting they got sum black in them they ain't even that light skinned but they are HOT but NOOOOOO they be wanting to be with them stupid white kids there are 2 of them twins Veronica and Victoria, they both have sum white boy friends they ain't even that light but they aint dark noo no they aint that dark they right in the middle. Why do they wanna hang out with kids and date white boys why do they act white???? Everytime I try to make a move they run away form me and call me a pervert when ever I try to touch them on their ****** and their **** they even start talkin to they friends about it and they friends be cracking up, even the white boys who are racist like tjhem! what up with that?????

What do you do to answer this physics question?

A fishing boat is drifting just above a school of tuna on a foggy day. Without warning, an engine backfire occurs on another boat 1.10km away. How much time elapses between the instant when the backfire is heard by the fishermen? (ume the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s, and enter your answer in "s"

UK and France dismiss Italy's call for pause in Nato bombing of Libya?

Well if UK and France wants this war then so be it because they will like the next Greece if their defense cost goes up. Now what ticked me off is that NATO went into the war in Libya without a clear Strategic Plan that defines victory and how it will be achieved. That's the problem. I don't know but they are targeting military and key targets just to destroy most of Gadahfia supplies and wane moral on them.

Trouble Aiming With a Bigger TV?

I'd say it's probably caused by the higher resolution. Plus LCDs inherently are a bit slower than their CRT counterpart.

Giving Pregnancy Information?

So, I am looking at possibly taking a new job and have been in job negotiations for many months now. My co-worker who knows that I am pregnant told my future employer about my pregnancy. I haven't found a law stating that this guy telling my future employer is an illegal act, so I want to know...does anyone know if it is against the law for someone else to dilvulge your personal information like that? Or is it just plain rude and there's nothing you can do about it!?

What do you think of this summary ?

The lemmings don't care what he has or has not done. They are blinded by his rhetoric and his celebrity. He will lead them into hell and they will follow blindly.

McCanns - what to tell the children ?

We had to tell our son, Paul, who was then aged 3 years 5 months that his baby sister of 4 weeks had died. He did not really understand, we told him she had gone to Jesus' playground. When I was expecting my next child (daughter) a year later he said call her Karen (my first daughters name) and then we will have her back. This happened many years ago and there was not much help available for people at these times. I think there would be more help now.

Should the government limit access to abortion, and in which cases, veto a women's decision?

Abortion can only be allowed if the pregnancy is prejudicial to the life of the mother or the unborn child. It is also allowed when the pregnancy is due to and .

Comment on the correctness of this argument. ?

Velocity is a vector quantity, and the kinetic energy of body is equal to half its m times the square of it's velocity, so kinetic energy must also be a vector.

Are there other NASCAR fans depressed already about the ESPN coverage we have coming up?

having watched a couple of Busch races on ESPN, we're in for a big disappointment for the rest of the season.

Trade all your games at asda?

Visit a href="http://bit.ly/4xYRN" rel="nofollow"http://bit.ly/4xYRN/a if you are interested in getting rewarded with Microsoft Points or XBL Gold Subscription Codes for doing short simple surveys.

If somebody made an internet comment that was offensive to homeless, how would they retaliate?

if they're homeless they cant retaliate cause its an internet comment? and they don't have a computer?

Should ufc fighters have to fight there friends?

Well if their gym is the best in the industry then they would have to fight eventually...and the payday should be in the millions! Tito Ortiz and Chuck Lindell refused to fight until the $$$ was the right number.

Was thirty something the full life expectancy in the cowboy, western days?

No. If you were born in 1870 you could expect to live 45 more years. If you were 50 in 1870 you could expect 20 more years. If you were 65 in 1870 you could expect to live to 76.

Why do elephants have big ears? (size, surface area, volume?)?

If a scale model of you was built twice as tall as you, it would have 4 times your surface area to get rid of excess heat but 8 times the volume of muscle and brain producing heat, so large animals like elephants need ways of shedding heat that you haven't got, like large ears and panting, like dogs do, especially as many of these animals, such as jumbos, live in the tropics. A beached whale, being large, is likely to die of heart failure. Animals as large as whales need to live in the water, so buoyancy can support them. Because of the scaling thing, large animals, which produce large amounts of heat, are happier in cooler climates. Similarly small people are more likely to come down with hypothermia. People like Europeans and Inuit tend to be fatter than black people and south east Asians. Robins in Iceland are about as big as thrushes in the south of England. This scaling thing explains why no animals larger than hummingbirds can use the same method to fly, and planes can't fly like geese do, by flapping their wings. As you get bigger the lift you get goes up as the square of your length, but the weight to be lifted goes up as the cube.

Have Senior Citizens found that the comics they read as youngsters has made some impact on their life?

No, I don't recall anything I read in a comic book as having an impact on my life but one did have an effect on my son when he was a youngster. He was a fan of Superman and decided he could fly. We allowed him to use a towel for a cape and he stood at the top of the stairs and jumped thinking who would fly. Luckily for everyone he didn't hurt himself and we all had a good laugh.

Lindsey Lohan Fans... If You?

I would tell her she still has a lot to accomplish in this life and to please get off the self deatructive path she is currently on so she can reach her full potential. That I don't want her to wind up dead in the cold ground like Anna Nicole Smith. (Sometimes you've got to be blunt to wake people up.)

My dad is on medication for high blood pressure, but his blood pressure is still high...why?

My dad is on three pills to lower his blood pressure, and takes 2 shots of apple cider vinegar a day. He does not eat horribly and gets outside frequently (although he could afford to go on a few more walks per week) His last blood pressure pill our Dr. put him on about a month ago because his blood pressure was so high and it was supposed to stabilize it and bring it down, but it didn't. His blood pressure is still much to high... 140 over 100 somedays, then others 150 over 90....etc. either way the bottom number is supposed to be at 80. It has only been 80 about three times. Any suggestions or answers as to why it is still so high?

I just noticed.......................…

my Boss (with the melon shaped head) has a small split in his pants (right on the seam). Should I tell him or leave him to suffer? He is an arrogant potato shaped log of a man who is always in Armani.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

HOW can the Obama Administration spin this as something other than a war that the US decided to start?

So what if France fired the first shot? We were there by Pierre's side with our cruise missiles, lobbing them into Libya and killing innocent men and women.

I need help with my skin care routine!?

Try olays line. Since u have combination skin like i , i would recommend their deep cleansing cleansing cloths for combination -> oily skin and after that use a moisturizer :olay complete all day uv defence moisture lotion and once again for combination -> oily skin. i personally use those two products my self and my face has always been clean and fresh.

What are Muslims up to this time? Famed psychic Rory Emerald is warning everybody NOT to eat soup.

Emerald is a prankster. And I'm not sure if there is actually anyone is warning anyone about soup (except that it might have too much sodium).

Best DJ Lighting, PLEASE HELP!?

I need exceptional lighting, but i want it cheap too! Most area's I Dj right now are about 50 by 70 feet, somewhere in that range, please help and let me know of lighting that will make good affects in a room that big for cheap. Maybe idea's to make a "dancefloor" atmosphere in a 20by20 area or something along that line? I don't know, but please leave some links of lighting, and/or some ideas, thanks for any ideas!

Dental crown came off after a month?

My front tooth broke into half a couple of months ago and i went to a dental surgery, D.J.CRees and ociates in stonehouse to have a dental crown inserted.I paid 380 quid and they fitted a temporary crown and told me to come back after 2 weeks and have the permanent one done. After only 3 days ,the temporary crown came off and i went to the dentist after the 2 weeks were up. To my dissapointment , the told me they had lost something they needed to make the crown so i had to wait 2 more weeks. They fitted another temporary one and it fell off after 4 days when i was eating a banana. They rang me up 3 days later and told me my crown was ready. They fitted it and told me it will last 20+ years but a month later, today. it just came off. My question is, am i entitled to a free treated since it came off in just a short time. If not what type of dental cement can i get and were from. Any advice will be appreciated

I want to buy a Two wheeler.?

May i buy In bajaj through installment or get two wheeler loan from bank and pay full amount.?.I'm confused.Which is best?.I'm in chennai.and where i can buy that.?

What is the purpose of solar panels,in general is it made of what are 3 benfits and drawbacks.?

Solar panels turn sunlight into electricity.Draw backs :they take up lots of space ,only work were there's minimal cloud cover,not cost effestive.

Why do kobe stans keep insisting that he was robbed from the 2006 MVP?

Nash is a hall of fame player but until he gets a ring he is the worst mvp out of every player that has ever won mvp( he is the only player with 2 or more mvp's to never play in the finals) jason kidd took the nets to 2 finals he lost but no mvp either year. kobe's team was bad in 06 so he shouldn't have won it even with the amazing 81 point game.(mvp is usally a player on one of the top teams in the nba that year for the regular season).

Does anyone else think, that Tony Temple might get drafted a lot higher now after he showed up McFadden?

i wouldn't say ALOT higher, but i believe that teams will pay more attantion to him. He played a great game, and he would make a great back up his rookie year. But his sucess won't downplay McFadden who is still the better of the two.

Why can't Britain go back to the good ol' times, when we know who our enemy is (France)...?

And now we are all being nice with those frog eating s, when WE were the ones who burn their saint, Jeanne d'Arc, and WE were the ones who defeated Napoleon, they sent us their inbred Norman aristocracy to take over the island, and WE had our 100 years war with them.

How to get dad to let you have a puppy!?

I have tried to convince him for over a year. What has worked for you? Have any suggestions for what to do? I thought about just going and getting one on my own becuase I know he wouldn't just get rid of it. But then theres my stepmom, she is the one who doesn't want me to have one. She has my dad wrapped around her finger. She just makes my dad tell me no so she doesn't look like the bad guy. She said I could once not thinking my dad would actually say yes and then I couldn't get one again. Help meeee.

Is there a drawback to responding to the fake lawyer emails, the scams from Africa?

I just want to reply with a good cursing. Is there a drawback to responding? You know the scams that claim to be from lawyers but are actually from some african in an cyber cafe in Nigeria.

What do people who had gastric byp surgery eat?

I want to start eating like I just had GB surgery to lose weight. How many calories do they usually eat?

Replacing 2 litre engine in a 1980 rear wheel drive 1980 celica.. to a 192 holden red?

i am in the process of contemplating putting a worked holden six cylinder into a 80 celica.. will this cause many problems and is it even feasible? any reccomendations or advice to hel me would be greatly apreacieted.. cheers :)

Spots on cotton shirts after washing them that were not there before?

I have a chronic problem with my laundry. When I wash cotton t-shirts they often times come out with spots on them, the spots look like they are a wet spot when they are dried. I have a new washing machine so I don't believe it's that. I use high quality soaps and sometimes spray the shirts with spot removers even though they have no stains just to avoid my shirts coming out with these spots on them after washing. I've tried it several ways with no luck! Can anyone chime in with a solution before I ruin anymore shirts?

Finnish is one of the hardest languages to learn but Im trying to learn it, what is the fastes way to learn?

My Finnish girlfriend gave me a book but she didnt give me the tape that goes with it so I cant do the pronounciations, she is willing to help me, whats the fastest way to learn?

My son 11.5 yrs under weight and height?

me and my husband of average height 5.5 ft. was this whn young. now rt weight.. will my son gain weight and height? eat less..active he is

Impregnation of my boots.?

I have a spray for textile impregnation (for coats etc) What happen if I Spray my boot's leather parts (not much of them). Is the textile imp. good for leather? Unfortunately I have to go to a trip now, and I dont have time to buy leather imp. spray...

Lebanon, should i be scared?

Yeah, I got something similiar from Simple Simon. He keep insisting the JPA was after me. I asked him if JPA meant a giant jewish circle jerk. He was most likely in the middle while yanking on Shay P's pecker.

How painful is recovery from a c-section with hysterectomy and will I be able to care for my 3 kids on my own?

Our 3rd baby is due early this spring and I just found that I'll have to have the baby via c-section and will also have to have a hysterectomy. My husband will unfortunately be deployed so I'll have to care for my newborn, my 2 year old and my 4 year old by myself (we have NO family, and won't really no anyone on base as we're going to be PCSing (relocating) to a new base the beginning of February, and there's no way to afford a nanny or live in babysitter or doula on military pay ($1,600 a month) so I won't have any help). How much pain is ociated with the c-section and a hysterectomy on top of it and how practicle would it be to care for my three children (ages 4,2 and newborn) on my own immediately afterwards? How can you make recovery easier on yourself? Any insight and tips would be great! Thanks! :)

Textiles & Art GCSE?

Think about what kind of portrait, what kind of landscape and what kind of still life you want to do. What style, technique ? What do you want to express ?

Who should the Chargers draft?

I think it would be very dumb for the Chargers to go with Beanie Wells because they have LT and Franchised Sproles and their problem was not offense last year, it was defense, I think they should go for Tyson Jackson, then Ray Maualuga, then Brian Cushing, then Malcolm Jenkins for safety, then Aaron Maybin for p rushing downs, and finally Beane Wells if all those players are gone. Tell me your opinion!

Could anyone suggest a pleasan,uplifting reading for the funeral of a freemason?

The deceased was a freemason who worked as an elctrician. He also did national service in the Royal Engineers.

A Levitical question regarding your pending death.?

If you don't believe in God, the Lord Jesus Christ, or His divine Word.........you not only will die, but spend eternity in hell. You will have to pay for all your sins, including blaspheme and curses. Jesus paid for all those sins on the cross, but you have to believe Him and in Him to take advantage of the payment.

What's your favorite Shakespearian tragedy to read?

I'm really interested in Shakespeare's tragedies. I've already read Hamlet (amazing) and Titus (super gore.) And I'm currently reading MacBeth. So what's YOUR favorite? (to read the text yourself, not see in a theater.)

Third side of a right triangle?

how do you find the third side of a right angle? The hypotenuse is 10 and one side is 6. I need step by step:)

How Many Coats Of Primer/Sealer Are Needed On A Flawed Wall?

Perfect,perfect, after filling any imperfections, allow to dry and then sand with a good sized flat sanding board using a fine paper. Run your hand over the areas repaired and you should not feel any high or low spots if you do build up with filler over a broader area and sand again feathering the edges. One coat of primer will be sufficient followed by one coat of quality paint(Latex). I would suggest painting the trim last.

What's the odd?

I completely know what you are talking about. I have weird stuff like that happen to me sometimes. Before I got married, when I would go to the grocery store, random items would fall off the shelf when I walked by. This sounds strange but I felt like someone from the afterlife was trying to tell me something. In retrospect, I probably should have listened closer!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Abdominal, pelvic and lower back pain?

If I bend over, eat something or do nothing I am having abdominal pain around my belly on but that is not constant, however, the pelvic pain and lower left side back pain is pretty constant. I felt sick on Saturday but then got really sick on Sunday night (bathroom upset) and also Monday morning. I have Endo and have gone off BC pills because they were not helping and have been on so many medications my specialist is stumped so I am going med free right now and this is month 2 now. I Am on day 19 of my cycle and my cycle is 30 days pretty much clockwork. I do feel when I ovulate and I did get sick almost everyday when I was off medications, hence going on the BC pills. But they caused so many side effects and after being off and on 14 different kinds in the past 5 years nothing worked. I am super sensitive to meds and think I may need to go back to my specialist buy if anyone has any advice or ideas about what is going on please help.

Be a complementary therapist in Saudi Arabia?

Offer a compilmentary service to one of the young princes. If he is happy he wil send you to all his friends and very soon you will be the new "thing" in Riyadh. This is how buisiness is done here unfortunetly.

What if MLK and Malcolm X were alive today?

I think they would be ashamed to see that all the hard work they did went down the drain. I feel bad that more people don't use the rights that these two fought so hard to get...

How to disable a motion detector.?

i workout at 4 and go to work at 5 for the whole day. right outside my building is a pool. there is a motion detector pointing at the pool. i would like to do some swimming as a workout but at the same time its annoying when those detectors detect my movement and turn on those lights. i ume it bothers the people on the first floor. is there anyway physically that i may be bale to disable a motion detector without breaking it in any way.

DUI Implied Consent, It's unconstitutional!!!!!!!?

If the 14th Amendment states that; No state shall make any law that abridges the privileges and immunities of any citizen of the United States. How can people be charged with a crime if they refuse to provide law enforcement a breath, blood or urine sample during a DUI stop?

I think i'm bi.... advice please?

Well I am a guy and I would never hurt my girlfriend, but if you want to go bi, go to myspace and find a locals that are bi, because there isnt many gays in one town so find them, go to your local gay bar, etc. My girlfriend is bi and i believe went thru almost the same you did but I love her and cant use her in the way im sure guys have used you, there is a guy out there for you and he will treat you like you deserve to be treated. But try girls too.

Would this be a good idea?

I'm in a sorority also. Although my sorority doesn't do this, two others on my campus do. Delta Gamma's is called Pie-A-DG, and Alpha Delta Pi's is called Pi-A-Palooza. They get a lot of money for their philanthropy mostly because lots of men in frats on campus enjoy pieing them. I think it's a great idea! :)

Mom brother got busted at my dad's house with his BF. Now he wants to live with me & the fam has disowned him?

Why not let him live with you? Let him live with you till he founds a job and saves enough money to live somewhere else.

Sociology Project- Dependent and Independent Variables?

For independent you could have the race of the person and the dependent variables could be their positioning in the ad, the attitude the ad tries to portray (aggressive, submissive, innocence, etc.), the type of clothing the model wears, what the ad is selling. This is uming your trying to show the differences in the ways certain races are portrayed, For example you might have an Asian woman who has a submissive position in the ad wearing a geisha robe and make-up (this is an ad I have actually seen) and I believe she was selling perfume. In this case your independent variable would be her race of Asian (since race is never dependent on anything, just because your family is middle cl doesn't determine that you will be, for instance, Caucasian) and the dependent variables would be the stance, the product, the props/clothing. Hope this helps.

According to section 1 of the 14th amendment in the Constitution shouldn't same marriage be legalized?

According to Leviticus 18:22, is this even a legitimate question? "Do not have ual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." I will pray for you.

Why is phoebe taylor so much prettier than i will ever be?

i just get so jealous because she is funny, intelligent, has amazing style AND she is the prettiest thing this side of the equator.

Bike Wreck?

I would bet you have some pretty good internal bruising! I would definetley say to go in to your dr. but at the very least.. monitor to make sure no internal bleeding. no red in urine. no nasea, fatigue, etc... see.. all that helmet stuff didn't work!

As a Jew(im blonde w/ blue eyes), i was shopping in CT w/ my cousin(we're 15)and a Christian recruiter came to

came up to us on the street and talked to us about their religion.We listened a bit, until they said how other religions were evil and asking if we were sinners.They asked us to pray with them,so we walked away (bcs as girls he was a strange man).The man was with a 20 yr.old girl who was totally brainwashed.Wewalked away, and the man followed us up the street yelling are you sinners and asking us to pray with him.We became scared as there was a strange man chasing us up the street.Luckily my aunt saw the man tormenting us and got out of her car to deal with him.He was rude and told her that she raised devil children.The man grabbed his girl and walked away, telling us we would go to hell.My Q is why do the sects of Christians believe their religion is better than others and why dothey believe that we would go to hell because we are different?How could parents let their children convert people and tellothers they will go to hell cause they are different? (Jews dont believe in hell)

How do you know when your best friend with benefits has a crush on you?

yes he might. i have been in this situation with one girl i've been friends with benefits with for a year and half and did the same sort of things like he did and I wished I could have been her bf and still do.

Cell phone number blocked---how to unblock?

talk 2 the uncle and apologize and see if he can, but if you don't want to do that.. it will probably on the friends cell phone (the one with the uncle)

Who will be held accountable?

This is the same as happened in South Africa, but within one race. In time, there will be justice if the people demand it.

Did Greg Wyshynski really say Detroit is a boring team??

I find detroit one of the most exciting teams to watch, their fast and talented, and they play like a team. Everyone joins the rush, everyones backchecking. Their ping is exciting, and i like thhe fact that almost always in the offensive zone, they have someone around the net.

When you probate a will, do you have to notify the heirs?

Last Jan 07 my wife's father-in-law died. We have been waiting for the will to be probated. We just found out today that the step mother-in-law had already probated the will back in June without letting the children know. The county clerk told us that there was a lot of other paper work filed. A motion to dismiss, a motion to reinstate, and something about a lost will. We also found out that she was the executor of the will. Can you be an executor of a will that you will benefit from? And can you probate a will without notifying the heirs?

Can someone tell me why LSU was ranked in the top 20?

The players are quality, the coaching SUCKS from Les Miles on down! Maybe Michigan could take Miles away from here.

Can cheese cause nightmares if consumed before sleep?

I love to eat cheese in the evening, I think I've just about eaten all varieties too and never ever, had any sign or symptoms such as this, nor have I ever heard anything like that before.

Obama praised Kerry's Vietnam War service, calling him a patriot and a man of conviction?

Kerry is a fool and a traitor, and if obama Thinks kerry is a patriot, then that proves what fool obama is.

I think I've become apathetic or indifferent to finding love?

It seems to me that you are being more rational than emotional at this point, and honestly, if we didn't love the man we are with, and the children that we worry about, then the whole marriage thing would really suck. Maybe you just need this time to allow your emotions to settle because it sounds like you have been through a lot and a relationship is the last thing that you need at this point. Just let yourself feel as bitter as you want, but don't allow it to last too long. If it lasts too long it could lead to depression and that would not be pleasant and it would damage your personality.

How to contact celebrities freely?

iz there anyway to get an email,phone number,or address of any celebrity including criss angel or any hollywood or bollywood.plz tell me iz there any site to contact or u people have any info that i wanted!!!thanks hope u will help me

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What are some other artists like skrillex or porter robinson?

i love this kind of music, i was wondering if there was anyone else that makes music like these guys.

Does it help or hinder a paranormal group's image if holds meetings in a "spooky themed" Pub?

I believe it will hinder, people won't take you seriously especially in a bar, try out some different places to see what feels best and works best.

Thats it, Im done, I give up.?

WWE has just made the worst decision possible. The Great Khali won the title tonight, I will refuse to watch any WWE programming ever again. This isn't a good decision, and even with the current injury epidemic doesnt make sense. There are about 30 people on Smackdown more worthy of being WHC. This is just a bullshit decision, and as a very intelligent person once said, "WHAT THE ****!!!"

Blew a .006 breathalyzer, need some insight?

I was at a college party and 2 officers arrived on scene. I myself did not even drink and have been on various medications and was in fact taking nyquil at the party to calm my cough. The police officers asked me to do a breathalyzer and i blew a .006. They handed me back my license and said i'm good to go. I gave him my information which they recorded in a little booklet. I'm extremely not sure whether i'm going to be cited by mail for a measly .006. I live in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania and any advice would help!

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! Livin' on da streets!!!!?

i was just kicked out of the grandmas house and ive been living on the streets for a week now. i eat at soup kitchens and beg for money. I'm writing this at the local library the only place that has a computer that i can use. what can i do to get my life back to normal?

Agree disagree, Rockstar games should end the GTA series?

You could say the same thing about the COD games and another game series, rockstar needs to make one last big gta game and then have up dates once in a while to add on more things in the game

A "Runescape Movie" RL?

runescape sucks how old are you 2?.... grow up, the film industries were not built for crap fils based on MMORPG's how would it work as well? its all about profit and the only MMORPG that has a chance would WOW as thats the most succesful

Seriously. why is Kim Kardashian one of the top Web Searches?

Because she had a tape leaked out? I'll give her credit for this. she has brainwashed a good number of gullible people out there into thinking she's something special when in reality she isn't. Just shows that anyone can get famous these days even when you have no talent & a fake/artificial body.

What adjustments if any should be made to the BCS system? Would a play-off system work better?

I agree with jmf as long as there is the BCS ranking there will always be a contreversy about who should have played. A perfect example of why the BCS is BS in '04 there were co-champions. So last year if USC would have beet UCLA and played in the title game and Florida didn't but won whatever bowl game they were in they would have to give them co-champion status. Play-offs eliminate all questions period.

This is my college application essay, how is it so far?

Bizarre, incoherent, and pointless. You're not trying to win people over with humor - you're trying to show them that you're ready to take adult life and your own education seriously.

SHould I go to the hospital even if I took 24 acetaminophen pain reliever pills?

If you have taken for pain, you must.you need to get treated for pain. if you have taken for other reasons, YOU SHOULD VISIT THE HOSPITAL now!!!!.this pill may harm your liver.

Ladies - You've gotten stunningly glamorous and beautiful, but...?

i would feel trapped and pissed at the same time. I would rather be back to my normal self or even uglier to have what I used to.

Should I start Mike Sims-Walker or Johnny Knox as my 3rd WR?

I'm in the playoffs, so it's lose one then done. I could reaaaally use your guys' opinion on this. MSW has been dissapointing the last 2 weeks (and dealing with ankle), and Knox (any Bears) is usually dissapointing except for last week

Power of Subconscious mind ?

I don't know about all the governmental projects, but you'll find more information by doing a search on "remote viewing."

Wdyt of these name combos?(popular names from the 60's)?

I think they are pretty good, but maybe the middle and first names should be switched around on a few of them, for example, instead of Deborah Lory, maybe Lori Deborah, if u just like the first name u could still switch it to be the middle and call her by the middle name. Good luck!

Please help to plan a road trip through Europe?

Hello. We are planning to drive this Easter through Europe. We have around 10 days in hand. We are taking the Euro Tunnel from Folkestone (UK) to Calais (France). We do not want to see too many cities as such (we have been to cities like paris/berlin/venice/brugges/vienna); our idea is to drive through scenic routes/countrysides etc. Can you suggest a few itineraries please?

How does the great seeker walk by grace when he has the faith to be perfect?

If I understand you correctly, you are disappointed with God because despite of your desire for perfection and the help of His grace, you continue to sin. This is what I believe in. First, it is possible to be perfect because God will not issue this command if it is impossible to attain. Second, it can only be attained through the power of grace, since our own human powers alone cannot make us perfect. But the crux of the matter is, we can only be as perfect as God wills us to be. Remember st. Paul, with his 'thorn in the flesh' that even with his prayers, God wanted st. Paul to endure this weakness? So what it boils down is, that we should trust God that He will transform us to the kind of person that will please Him the most.

Should I accept an unsubsidized student loan?

I have been offered $5,500 subsidized and $7,000 unsubsidized. I have managed to save up enough cash to cover this years tuition, board, and other expenses, but I am looking at 2 additional years at $20,000 a pop. The money is in a mutual fund earning 4%. What should I do?

Xtians: How do you explain this contradiction in the "Martyr Argument"?

The martyr argument is clearly flawed. What don't you cross this one off your list and tackle something challenging like the modal argument, the moral argument, the argument from abstract objects, or presuppositional apologetics?

How to get my rabbit to trust me....?

ok so i have 2 dwarf lionhead bunnies i have had them for months now byt they wint let me hold them or pet them. if i try to pet them they feak out also i to hold them but they start squirming an jump, they live out side in a little hutch. also when i let them out in my back yard they run away when i try to put them back i cant just let them walk inside thier cage because the door is ontop, one lets me put on his harness but the other wont please help

Zelda twilight princess question!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

ok im in the forest temple and when i go to room 13 i c the 4th monkey but i cant get it. so i go up and i find a spiderweb in the ground to get to the monkey. but out of my luck i dont have any fuel left in my lantern to burn it!! how do i get lantern for my fuel in the forest temple!!! help -

R u annoyed as much as i am?

im a butch, and ive always been annoyed of straight ppl calling s "s" and referring to anything bad as " oh that movie is so gay" . what the hell is wrong with them? r u annoyed too? i mean i ignore them and u should too ,but its getting really over the top ! ,what do u ppl think?

How do we meet men who wish to enter into a polyandry relationship?

My partner and I wish to live a polyandry lifestyle. How do we get in contact with men with the same preference? My partner and I are in our late 30's, attractive and very genuine, intelligent and articulate.

If your alternator breaks how far can you drive before your battery dies?

Power is drawn from the battery, not directly from the alternator correct? So depending on your power usage from radio lights you should be able to get a fair distance? If you switched batteries with someone whos alternator was fine how far could you get on the energy in that battery. If model is necessary lets say a 2008 scion tc.

What will you do if the world does not end in the next 10-20 years?

Some Christians believe that the world's demise is close. I wonder what you will do if the end does not come within the time frame that you think it will come. I am a Christian who is not trying to judge others. But I wonder how people with such high expectations are going to react if the world does not end soon. After all, the Millerites were disappointed in the 19th century. Other Christians have been disappointed in the past too.

What do I tell this guy or do about him?

I have a boyfriend (my age). But there is this guy in one of my cles who is 3 years older and he won't leave me alone. When I first started to hang with the guy i'm dating (as friends) the older guy got jealous and would say stuff like "why don't you go hang with your new man??" "Wheres that other guy you like?" and was being rude. Once we started dating he kept glaring at us, and saying rude things to me so I avoided him and ignored him. He acted like we had been dating or something and i hurt him. A few days ago he apologized (seemed serious) so i said okay its fine. Now he's flirting and being creepy and trying to be "friends" with my boyfriend. What do I tell him? My boyfriend is kind of annoyed but doesn't think about it much. It just pisses me off because how was I suppose to know he liked me if he never asked me out?

Need a creative Username!!! Help!!?

Hi guys, my name is Sam and i need a unique online username for psn,I want it to be one word involving Sam like Samasuarus, Samzilla etc. (however it doesn't have to be).I'm into stuff like revolutionaries (revolutions) .Che Guevara, Karl Marxs etc so if you have an idea about a username that doesn't involve Sam but is leaning towards the revolution is also good!...Thanks!

My bestfriend showed his to me, and he wants me to masturbate it?

Im a civil engineer, 28 years old male. I and my 30 years old bestfriend for more than 10 years (he is also a civil engineer) had a chance to sleep together in his cousins guestroom after the birthday party has just ended late at night. None the two of us were drunk. After we entered the room he locked the door and turned off the lights, and In the middle of our casual talk, he suddenly partly pulled down his boxer shorts and told me his is itchy, and wanted me to see it and touch it. he grabbed my hand and direct it to his . I laughed and put the lights on and joked to him, "oh really, wait let me scratch and ill take a picture on it". I smiled because told me he wants me to jerk his . He is my bestfriend and I felt he's just comfortable enough to get jerked by my hand and I think he is just that curious how was it felt like to be masturbated by his besfriend as me. But I just touch a bit his semi erected and never did jerky things, then I smiled and just laughed at him. Then put off the lights and sleep. Then he too suddenly quiets and sleep after a few minutes. This is the first time he showed me his . Deep inside I felt i killed his joy to get jerked by me. The two of us are aware and we both knew We're like brothers. For me nothing is so malice, because we usually talked with y jokes and shares each other films. let me just know how readers evaluate this some kind of a situation? Is it just like an add-on to our "open-minded brotherhood thing" as bestfriends for years or is it something another quite joking phase in our friendship? What makes me laughed about is a question that something like, Is it just normal to masturbate a friend?

IRS Question????

When I filed our taxes this year, the agent failed to include my husbands non-taxable combat pay on line 40b. She simply put "combat zone" at the top of the form. Will we have to refile in order to be eligible for the stimulus pay?

What areas of the world are most susceptible to epidemics and why?

Climate has nothing to do with it. Areas of the world with high population density (not just a large population, but many people living close together) are most inclined toward epidemic. Certainly socioeconomic factors must be taken into consideration; access to doctors and clean drinking water for example, but given the right cirstances, an epidemic can occur anywhere where there are people.

How many lives would have been saved if the German Operation Valkrie suceeded?

In the calculation of saved death, besides the battles from August 1, 1944 - April 1945, don't forget to count the death camps averaging up to 26,000 per day from July-October,l 1944, the fire bombings of Dresden and other cities.

What is difference between separated and divorced,and what is the legality of both?

I think separated means you just live apart and are taxed separately. Divorced means the marriage is cut.

What's a good operatic solo for looking out from the top of a mountain with an incredible view?

I'm looking for something I can sing big, full-voice- like Stars, Empty Chairs at Empty Tables (Les Mis�rables), Impossible Dream (Man of La Mancha), Lilly's Eyes (Secret Garden). Male voice (B-Baritone but I sing tenor a lot) I'm trained "clically" (Italian style? - e.g. I sing like Pavarotti not a pop-star...) Thanks!